Our passion for rearing pigs as truly free range pigs is paramount. Our pigs are born outdoors and live their whole lives in the lush green pastures of our farm at OSB. Unlike other farms, these pigs are not taken indoors for fattening and we ensure that they live a stress free life, reared to the highest welfare standards, with plenty of space to roam, be sociable and wallow in the mud on sunny days and more importantly give them nothing they don’t want or need.
At OSB we do not hide behind misleading labels or pumped them with antibiotics and steroids.
Although our sows do not achieve as many litters in a life time as other intensive pig farms, who wean their pigs at 3–4 weeks old. We like to wean our pigs at around 8 weeks of age, believing that the extra time the piglet stays on the sow gives a healthier piglet, a less stressful sow and ultimately a better tasting pig.
This is what makes our free range pigs well recognised by butchers and consumers as the best you can get.